Q&A chat with Tony

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How important is your branding and marketing expertise to Gold42?

Our aim is to be the No.1 ghee brand in Tasmania and on the mainland. We will not achieve this without a strong and memorable brand, rock solid values, and messages that resonate and build a strong emotional bond with our customers and retailers. In a previous life my wife Lyn and I founded and managed a prominent Sydney branding and communication business with clients as far afield as London, New Zealand and Singapore. This gave us a very clear indication of what it takes to attract customers and keep them engaged and coming back for more, time and time again. I guess the proof of the pudding (or ghee) is in the eating... We’re now taking that expertise and using it to get our new business powering ahead.

How do you really engage with potential customers?

There is no substitute for meeting people face-to-face to establish rapport, interest and ultimately trust that ours is a product that we believe in and are confident is both healthy and nutritious. Local markets are the ideal test bed for this. Our regular appearances never fail to educate us to people’s likes and dislikes, their reasons for purchasing and to establish a rapport with those seeking great tasting food that is good to eat.

What is your advice to start-up business owners?

  • Have absolute faith in your product

  • Thoroughly research the market and the opportunities

  • Know who your customers are, where they are, and what will interest them

  • Surround yourself with like-minded helpers

  • Be as innovative as possible

  • Don’t under-estimate your abilities to succeed

  • Persistence will win the day

  • Plan to be outrageously successful from Day 1

tony heywood